Best Cousin Quotes And Saying to Describe Your Bond with Image
Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold cousins together.
— Woodrow Wilson
Win, lose, or draw, you’re all my cousins and I love you.
— Chill Wills
Cousins are people that are ready-made friends.
— Courteney Cox
Born as a cousin, made as a friend.
— Byron Pulsifer
A cousin is like a warm quilt wrapped around the heart.
— Anonymous
My cousins are shareholders of my soul.
— Saswat Padh
Cousins are more than cousins; they are best friends that are there for us through it all.
— Heather Mills
If you’re lucky, a cousin is there from the beginning.
— Susan Bolch
In my cousin, I find a second self.
— Isabel Norton
A grandparent’s house is where cousins become best friends.
— Anonymous
I always call my cousin because we’re so close. We’re almost like sisters, and we’re also close because our moms are sisters.
— Britney Spears
Cousins are not those we do not know but instead part of a family that also provide support and comfort.
— Byron Pulsifer
Many of my life’s moments have become memorable only because I have a cousin like you.
— Anonymous
A near neighbor is better than a distant cousin.
— Italian Proverb
Cousins by blood, friends by choice.
— Darlene Shaw
Cousins are different beautiful flowers in the same garden.
— Anonymous
A real cousin is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.
— Proverb
You don’t get to choose your cousins. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.
— Anonymous
Time passes and we may be apart, but cousins always stay close at heart.
— Anonymous
At Christmas, cousins are the presents under the tree.
— Karen Decourcey
Cousins help make the hard times easier and the easy times more fun.
— Anonymous
Cousins are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer.
— Ed Cunningham
Our roots say we’re cousins. Our hearts say we’re friends.
— Anonymous
I may argue with my brother, but I fight beside my brother against my cousin, and with my cousin against a stranger.
— Arab proverb
A cousin is a lens to look through and be reminded of your childhood.
— Anonymous
A cousin is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.
— Marion C. Garretty
God made us cousins because He knew our mothers could not handle us as siblings.
— Anonymous
Cousins are friends that will love you forever.
— Constance Richards
Blood might bond us as cousins, but being best friends is a choice.
— Anonymous
The love between cousins knows no distance.
— Anonymous
We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.
— Anonymous
I smile because you’re my family. I laugh because there’s nothing you can do about it.
— Anonymous
You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.
— Desmond Tutu
Cousin to cousin we’ll always be, special friends from the same family tree.
— Anonymous
The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.
— Richard Bach
Happiness is a cousin who is like a sister.
— Anonymous
Cousins are sisters you never had.
— Reah Glowstorl
Family: A little bit of crazy, a little bit of loud, and a whole lot of love.
— Anonymous
Within our family there was no such thing as a person who did not matter. Second cousins thrice removed mattered.
— Shirley Abbott
Other things may change us, but we start and end with family.
— Anthony Brandt
Nobody will understand the craziness of your family better than your cousins.
— Anonymous
Cousins are cool to see, impossible to forget and true to your heart.
— Anonymous
Cousins are the barometers of how fun a family get-together will be.
— Jim Gaffigan
A cousin is someone who knows all about you but likes you anyway.
— Anonymous
Cousins are many. Best friends are few. What a rare delight to find both in you.
— Anonymous
A cousin a day keeps the boredom away.
— Anonymous
Talking to your cousin is sometimes all the therapy you need.
— Anonymous
Cousins are like fudge. Mostly sweet with a few nuts!.
— Anonymous
Family members can be your best friends, you know. And best friends, whether or not they are related to you, can be your family.
— Trenton Lee Stewart.
Being a cousin means you are part of something wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life. No matter what.
— Anonymous
Family is family and is not determined by marriage certificates, divorce papers, and adoption documents. Families are made in the heart.
— C. Joybell, C.
My cousin has the best cousin in the world.
— Anonymous
Cousins are the friends that are forced to share their toys with you.
— Anonymous
Cousins have a unique position in our hearts, somewhere between closest friends and siblings in terms of importance.
— Anonymous
My cousin is my favorite partner in crime.
— Anonymous
Cousins—they’re your stars in the dark.
— Anonymous
Friends might choose you at some point in your life, but cousins loved you from the start.
— Anonymous
If you ever want to see a piece of your childhood, just look at your cousins.
— Anonymous
The love of a cousin holds a lifetime of memories.
— Anonymous
Cousins are the friends that will stomp through the mud with you as a child and hold your hand as an adult.
— Anonymous
The love between cousins flows strong and deep, leaving us with memories to treasure and keep.
— Anonymous
Any day spent with my cousin is always my favorite day.
— Anonymous
Because I have a cousin, I will always have a friend.
— Anonymous
Being a cousin means you are part of something wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life. No matter what.
— Anonymous
I’m so glad we don’t have to say out loud that I’m your favorite cousin.
— Anonymous
A loyal cousin is worth a thousand friends.
— Anonymous
The night before the cousins came, I couldn’t sleep.
— Katie Yamasaki
Some people make your laugh a little louder, your smile a little brighter, and your life a little better.
— Anonymous
Never judge someone by their relatives.
— Charles Martin
Never underestimate the power of a cousin.
— Anonymous
Your family is the best team you could ever have.
— Anonymous
They say that no matter how old you become, when you are with your siblings, you revert back to childhood.
— Karen White, The Memory of Water
You’re my cousin, and I’d never twice remove you.
— Anonymous
Cousins or best friends? It’s all relative.
— Anonymous
Blood makes you related. Loyalty makes you family.
— Anonymous
Treasure your cousins, they were your first friends and will love you forever.
— Anonymous
Cousins are not those we do not know but instead part of a family that also provide support and comfort.
— Byron Pulsifer
Cousins are not those we do not know but instead part of a family that also provides support and comfort.
— Anonymous
Friends are forever, but cousins are for life!
— Anonymous
The bond between cousins cannot be broken.
— Anonymous
A cousin sees the first tear, catches the second, and stops the third.
— Anonymous
A cousin is someone whose smile helps when the roads are rough and long.
— Anonymous
When mom and dad don’t understand, a cousin always will.
— Anonymous
You should always keep your cousins close because they know all your secrets.
— Anonymous
No one will ever be as entertained by us as us.
— Anonymous
Cousins? Nah, we’re best friends.
— Anonymous
I may not always be there with you, but I will always be there for you.
— Anonymous
Cousins are connected heart to heart, distance and time can’t break them apart.
— Anonymous
Cousins are awesome. Well, mine are. I can’t speak for yours.
— Anonymous
My dear young cousin, if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the eons, it’s that you can’t give up on your family, no matter how tempting they make it.
— Rick Riordan
The love of a cousin is one of life’s greatest blessings.
— Anonymous
Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.
— Michael J. Fox
My cousin is the sister I got to choose.
— Anonymous
We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.
— A.A. Milne, Winnie The Pooh
My cousin and I are more than friends. We’re like a tiny gang.
— Anonymous
My twin sister, my cousin, and I used to write and perform plays for my family. We raided the closets for costumes and fought over parts. I’m sure I was the bossiest one.
— Connie Britton
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